Saturday, January 07, 2006

1992 New Quilt show at UALC

Our church's Visual Arts Ministry, of which we are both members, hung a huge quilt show this morning. Well, maybe not huge by your standards, but there are about 40 quilts, and our arms get sort of tired. Ken said, "I think we're going to need to recruit some younger members" (we're all over 50). This show which will run between January 7 and February 24 at the Church at Mill Run, 3500 Mill Run Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026, includes rich, vibrant colors, traditional patterns like log cabin and pin wheel, family memory quilts with photo transfers, humorous hangings, contemporary and modern art, seasonal and historical pieces. These quilts are not for sale, and most represent many hours of love preparing a gift for family or friends.

One very interesting quilt designed and made by a member to memorialize her father is called “Lyle’s Letter to Santa.” In this design she focuses on a letter handwritten by her father to Santa Claus in 1915 when he was seven years old. So the center of the quilt is a star on which is his handwriting stitched with embroidery and a photo transfer. The star is called “Ohio Trail” and represents his ancestry; the ribbon, greens with candles and a bit of Victorian flair represents the era. Then at the bottom there is an embroidered sleigh, red on a white background, which represents the gifts he asked for in the letter, all in the sleigh. This is truly a magnificent tribute.

The Quilters Ministry is about six years old and meets monthly for fellowship and instruction. This year they made 14 quilts for Project Linus which is based in Illinois and gathers homemade quilts for sick or traumatized children. They've also made quilts for orphanages in Guatemala and China from which members adopted children.

Each year that we've hung this show I've seen spectacular growth and talent. These ladies are a real pleasure to work with. And the reason Upper Arlington Lutheran Church (UALC) has a building with an address in Hilliard is that we have three campuses, one in Upper Arlington, one in Hilliard, and one on the west side of Columbus. If the church founders had picked a spiritual name 40 years ago like Resurrection or Trinity or Bethlehem, we wouldn't have this confusion.


Cathy said...

Would love to see pictures!

Norma said...

Yes, I've been thinking I should take my digital over and get some photos. We like to document our shows. I don't attend church there, but I could go over after our service. I was too tired to go back this afternoon. I've probably said this before but we have the best gallery space in the Columbus area.